What is Pickleball
Pickleball is a fun sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.
Played both indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court and a slightly modified tennis net.
Two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, over a net.
The serve must be made underhand.
The paddle must pass below the waist level.
The server must hit the ball in the air without bouncing it.
The serve is made diagonally crosscourt.
The serve is a fault if it lands out of bounds, if it fails to clear the non-volley zone, or if it hits the net and does not land in the proper service court.
Following the serve, each side must make at least one groundstroke prior to volleying the ball (i.e., the ball must bounce once on each side before volleys are allowed).

Only the serving side can score points.
Games are typically played to 11 points and a team must win by 2 points.
In tournament play, games may be to 15 or 21, win by 2.
In Doubles: Each team gets two serve attempts (one for each player) before the serve rotates to the other team. The first server continues to serve until a fault is made, and then the second server serves until they fault. After both servers fault, the serve goes to the opposing team.

Volleys & Non-Volley Zone
After the ball has bounced once on each side, both teams may hit the ball in the air without letting it bounce. This is called a volley.
However, players may not volley the ball from within the non-volley zone.
The non-volley zone is the area on both sides of the net within 2.1 metres.
Players may not hit the ball in the air while standing in this zone, although they may reach over the net to hit a ball that has bounced in the non-volley zone.

A fault occurs when the ball is hit:
Out of bounds,
fails to clear the net,
is volleyed from within the non-volley zone,
or is hit into the net or onto the ground before it clears the net.